Diaphragm pumps are capable to act as power-transmission units. In particular, they can serve as a drive of the fan on the air-blast sprayers.
In this application, the power is supplied by the tractor’s PTO and transferred to the fan via a series of multiple drives including the pump.
Each element of the above chain drives the next one, thus generating multiple inertias, which require rather significant torque to overcome them, particularly during the start or stop stages.
No need to say that Comet pumps are designed to stand torque peaks in any spraying condition.
Nevertheless, extreme overloads could arise in case of anomalies, i. e.:
- overspeed at the start
- mechanical flooding

These events must be prevented by adopting appropriate measures, as they could cause severe damage.
The best solution to overloads troubles is installing a torque limiter (e.g. a clutch) in between the drives.
The t. l. interrupts power transmission whenever torque exceeds the set value, thus preventing peaks and consequent failures.
Comet Spa recommends torque limiters anytime there’s a proven risk of overload beyond the limits*. This will ensure maximum operational efficiency and reliability over time to your Comet pump.
- Please refer to Comet literature for power and torque requirements. High-efficiency torque limiters are available at manufacturers of premium-quality drive-shafts.